
Subject Verb Agreement Multiple Choice with Answer

Subject-verb agreement is one of the most critical aspects of grammar, and mastering it is essential for effective communication. When writing sentences, you must ensure that the subject and verb agree in number, meaning that if the subject is singular, the verb must be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb must be plural. This is where subject-verb agreement multiple choice exercises come into play!

Multiple-choice exercises are an effective way to assess your understanding of the rules of subject-verb agreement. Here are a few examples of subject-verb agreement multiple-choice exercises with answers:

Example 1: Choose the correct form of the verb for the given subject.

The dogs (barks, bark) at the mailman.

Answer: bark

Explanation: The subject „dogs“ is plural, so the verb „bark“ should be used instead of „barks.“

Example 2: Identify the correct sentence with proper subject-verb agreement.

a) The group of students is planning a trip.

b) The group of students are planning a trip.

Answer: a) The group of students is planning a trip.

Explanation: The subject „group“ is singular, so the singular verb „is“ is used instead of the plural verb „are.“

Example 3: Identify the correct sentence with proper subject-verb agreement.

a) Either my brother or my sister are going to the party.

b) Either my brother or my sister is going to the party.

Answer: b) Either my brother or my sister is going to the party.

Explanation: The subject „either my brother or my sister“ is singular, so the singular verb „is“ is used.

Example 4: Choose the correct form of the verb for the given subject.

The book, along with its sequels, (has, have) sold millions of copies.

Answer: has

Explanation: The subject „book“ is singular, so the singular verb „has“ is used instead of the plural verb „have.“

Example 5: Identify the correct sentence with proper subject-verb agreement.

a) The boys runs in the park every day.

b) The boys run in the park every day.

Answer: b) The boys run in the park every day.

Explanation: The subject „boys“ is plural, so the plural verb „run“ is used instead of the singular verb „runs.“

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is crucial in grammar, and multiple-choice exercises can help you master it. By practicing subject-verb agreement multiple-choice exercises, you will be able to quickly identify the correct form of the verb for a given subject, making your writing more accurate and effective.