
Proper Law of Contract in Private International Law

Proper law of contract in private international law: Understanding the Basics

When dealing with international business transactions, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the proper law of contract. This concept is a key area in private international law that lays the groundwork for determining the governing law in cross-border contracts. In this article, we will discuss the basics of proper law of contract and its significance in the world of international business.

What is Proper Law of Contract?

The proper law of contract refers to the law that governs a particular contract. In other words, it is the law that determines the contractual obligations and rights of the parties involved in an agreement. The law governing a contract can vary depending on the location of the contracting parties, the place of contracting, and other factors that are considered in private international law.

Why is it important?

Proper law of contract is crucial in international business because it helps to provide certainty and predictability in contractual relationships. When parties involved in a contract know the governing law, they can easily determine their rights and obligations. It also helps to avoid conflicts that may arise due to differences in legal systems and concepts.

How is Proper Law Determined?

The determination of the proper law of contract involves a complex process that considers various factors. One of the most critical factors is the law that the parties agreed to in their contract. This is known as the choice of law. If the parties have not chosen the applicable law, the law that has the closest connection with the contract is used.

The main factors that are used to determine the proper law of contract include:

1. The intention of the parties: Courts will look at evidence of the parties` intention to determine the governing law of the contract.

2. The place of performance: The law that applies to the place where the contract is to be performed is often considered.

3. The place of contracting: The law of the place where the contract is formed is also relevant.

4. The nationality or domicile of the contracting parties: The law that applies to the nationality or domicile of the parties can also be used.


In conclusion, proper law of contract is essential in international business because it provides clarity and predictability in contractual relationships. It is crucial to understand the factors that are used to determine the governing law of a contract to avoid legal disputes and conflicts. With a clear understanding of proper law of contract, international businesses can operate efficiently and effectively.